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Happy Mothers' Day to all Mums and Grandmas (and Great Grandmas!) - we all give thanks for our "first friend and best friend...." 

This week we received a letter from the diocese in response to the comments by our Premier and Provincial Health Officer that we are moving slowly towards a slight relaxing of the pandemic restrictions. The full letter is posted on our parish website ( and in part the Ven. Barry Foster writes "The day is coming when small worship gatherings MAY be possible, but the time is not yet.... We are awaiting further detailed proposals from the government about religious community gatherings, that are also authorized by the provincial health officer. Our churches will remain closed for the time being..... When we are able to gather again it will be with a detailed protocol about how to do so safely."

Note that there is also an update from the Transition Team on their important work. Please keep them in your prayers.

As we continue our journey through spring and enjoy this glorious weather, know that you all are in our prayers.

With every blessing,