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We have all been responsibly sheltering in place and practicing physical distancing these past weeks and, as you know, St John the Divine is no exception! Many of us have discovered though that, despite not being able to meet face to face for worship and fellowship, life goes on, and many of us have been discovering new ways to connect using technology such as zoom, livestreaming and social media. This update is intended to keep you informed of the Transition Team’s progress to date and next steps with the search for a new incumbent rector for St John the Divine.

As you will recall, last fall and throughout the seasons of Advent and Lent, we were able to garner widespread
input from the congregation and develop a parish profile as well as host two building community workshops. In February through mid- April, the Diocese has advertised the position of rector which has been attracting some interest.

Meanwhile, despite the current pandemic, the Transition Team has continued to meet using Zoom, and is actively working on developing processes, selection criteria and questions for interviewing qualified applicants. Using Zoom, we are able to carry out interviews and, though the installation of a new Rector will need to wait for the eventual easing of the pandemic restrictions, our hope is that we will be able to make a recommendation this spring to the Bishop (the office of which is currently under the administrative leadership of Ansley Tucker, dean of Columbia and Barry Foster, executive officer). To date, our primary focus has been on prayerfully discerning God’s purposes while listening to the aspirations of our congregation for the future of our church. In forming a recommendation, our team will also give due consideration to the principles of responsible stewardship and financial sustainability, taking into account the advice of the diocese as well as our own parish’s current financial position and giving trends.

Moving forward and God willing, the steps ahead are as follows:
1. Completion of interviews using Zoom and, when feasible, face to face
2. Selection of a preferred candidate by the Transition Team
3. Development of a concrete plan for transition support, employment terms, and financial sustainability
4. Recommendation to the Bishop by the Transition Team of a preferred candidate
5. Decision by the Bishop on appointment of a rector
6. Request by the Bishop to Parish Council for their concurrence with his appointment

Following announcement of an appointment , the Transition Team will continue in its role for one year by working to support a smooth transition for both the parish and the new incumbent rector.

In weighing these decisions , the Transition Team has been thankful for the excellent and thoughtful input and
encouragement from the congregation over the past 6 months. Please continue to join us as well, in praying the parish’s transition prayer as we seek to discern God’s plans for our church:

Gracious God strengthen us in the power of your Holy Spirit during this interim period as we seek a new
Rector for our parish. May we walk closer with you and grow in the fruit of your spirit. Guide our
transition team in their work and may we all be blessed with truth, honesty and respect for each other as we continue in ministry together. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Transition Team:
Eric Macdonald, Lead
Peter Walker
Lynn Gray
Linda McAnsh
Chris Widner
Denise Ropp
Nancy Booth