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We’ve just learned recently the PWRDF and most other international aid agencies could be in financial trouble due to the complete cessation of group and workplace activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. That goes for any aid going out to developing countries as well. We are hamstrung, so to speak and there is not much we can do about this individually, except continue to keep PWRDF and their wonderful staff in Toronto, in our prayers and blessings.

Never has an emergency like this affected the entire world before. Neither disease, nor even two world wars could upset all countries like this emergency. We pray something good will come of all this – mainly that we may learn we are all inter-connected, all humans, all creation, that we are all one people in the world. This presents the possibility of ending wars and solving the climate crisis.

When all industry shut down in China in early February because of the virus, our global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations actually started to decline slightly, something that has never happened before at this time of year when they normally increase rapidly. The decrease has reversed as industry restarts and concentrations have started to increase again, however, for about one month, this demonstrated that the climate crisis is not insurmountable; therefore we must never give up hope!

Stay healthy, stay home,

Geoff Strong
PWRDF Diocesan Representative
778-356-0665 cell: 250-710-8011