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Today we write to share with you the request to remember St. John the Divine as the recipient of your offerings, especially as we enter the joyous season of Easter, celebrating God’s generous love. We know it is not necessary to remind you of the tough times we are all currently facing. Our parish and our missions are no different.

We have been trying to think of the right words for this request to you, however we can't find a better way than to share a post from a friend. (Pat McKenna posted this today)

To quote Dan Pallotta, “Philanthropy is the market for love. It is the market for all those people for whom no other market is coming.” We will be through this.... We will get through this and when we do, there is a growing market for love on the other side.

It is through God’s Love that we are able to continue to reach out into our community, sharing the joy and message of resurrection. We ask you to please consider this message.

There are a number of ways to continue your gifts and we know that Barbara Neid, our Treasurer, is working hard on our behalf to make it easier for us. So please, continue to mail in your cheques, drop off your offering envelopes at the church, or consider signing up for preauthorized electronic money transfers through the “Gifts in Time” form attached, or available through our website.

As always, your gifts and your dedication to our church family is so very appreciated.

In your service,

Denise Ropp, Bishop’s Warden
Nancy Booth, People’s Warden


Gifts in Time attached below.