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There are lots of moving parts behind the scenes in the parish at the moment!

As we give thanks for the appointment of a new Incumbent, please be sure to keep Alastair and Alison in your prayers; pray also for the people of St. Columba (Port Hardy), St. John (Port Alice), and Quatsino as they prepare to enter a time of transition and interim ministry.

In our own church, maintenance work continues apace with completion of the ceiling tile repairs, waxing of the church floor, installation of the new organ loft railing, and refurbishing of the organ speakers. All part of making our church safe and ready for reopening!

This week our executive (Wardens, Treasurer and Rector) will meet to review the first draft of a reopening plan, followed by consideration of the plan by Parish Council next week. Following that we will send the plan to all parishioners and ask for your feedback, suggestions and questions. Then we will submit our Safety Plan for approval by the diocese prior to beginning in-person services at the church. More details and dates will follow.

Finally, we want you to know that in the near future we will institute a new parish information system for collecting and safeguarding personal information in compliance with the BC Personal Information Protection Act. People's Warden Nancy Booth, Administrator Ginny Alliston and Parish Council Secretary Kathy Coulthart-Dewey have been working hard on this and have come up with a user friendly and compliant information form which we will distribute soon. More details on this will follow.

With summer blessings!