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The amateur video maker is back - I'm thinking of changing my job description!    

Please see video link below for a devotional in lieu of our Sunday worship for the 5th Sunday of Lent. Sorry for the long delay before the music starts near the end, hang in there it does eventually begin!  

Thank you for the many messages of appreciation, I do hope these videos are helping to give a small sense of our church community being together.  I personally am so grateful for the St.John's family and hold you all in my prayers every day.  As a faith community we can reach out to each other both to ask for and offer support and comfort. Do call a church friend if you need a chat or want to lift up someone else. 

 Bless you and all your loved ones. Please keep to physical distancing and all the other instructions we are receiving from our incredible healthcare professionals.   Bless you, in Christ, Alan