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Holy Communion Sunday February 26 2023 - 1st Sunday of Lent
Rev. Marion Edmondson
Rev. Marion Edmondson
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Order of Service with Hymns

NOTE: Page #s refer to the BAS

We shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matthew 4.4

Processional Hymn: #372 Praise to the Holiest in the Height

Praise to the Holiest in the height,
and in the depth be praise:
in all his words most wonderful,
most sure in all his ways.

O loving wisdom of our God!
When all was sin and shame,
a second Adam to the fight
and to the rescue came.

O generous love! that flesh and blood,
which did in Adam fail,
should strive afresh against the foe,
should strive and should prevail;

And that a highest gift of grace
should flesh and blood refine,
God's presence and his very self,
and essence all-divine.

Who in the garden secretly,
and on the cross on high,
should teach his brethren, and inspire
to suffer and to die.

Praise to the Holiest in the height,
and in the depth be praise:
in all his words most wonderful,
most sure in all his ways.

Welcome & Acknowledgment of Land

Call to Worship: If the Spirit leads us into the wilderness of a life beyond our understanding or control; 
In the spirit of Christ, let us meet each other and journey together. 
If the world judges us as successful because we are rich or we are beautiful; In the spirit of Christ, let us hold up faith and justice as the measure of wealth. 
If rules and traditions tempt us to resist change because transformation is dangerous and unfamiliar; in the spirit of Christ, let us welcome this new day trusting God’s leading us. Amen (Seasons of the Spirit)

Sunday School Dismissal  I have peace like a river.. (in my soul)

(We prepare our hearts for worship in silence)

The Gathering of the Community (Service begins on p. 185)

Glory to God p. 186

Kyrie Eleison p. 186

Collect: Almighty God, whose Son fasted forty days in the wilderness, and was tempted as we are but did not sin, give us grace to discipline ourselves in submission to your Spirit, that as you know our weakness, so we may know your power to save; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

The Proclamation of the Word   (Led by Pam Wilkinson)
Hebrew Scripture:    Genesis 2:15–17
Ps 32      R: O Lord, you forgave me the guilt of my sin.
The Epistle:    Romans 5:12–19 

Gospel Hymn:  #175 Forty Days and Forty Nights

Forty days and forty nights
you were fasting in the wild;
forty days and forty nights
tempted and yet undefiled.

burning heat throughout the day,
bitter cold when light had fled;
prowling beasts around your way,
stones your pillow, earth your bed.

Shall not we your trials share,
learn your discipline of will;
and with you by fast and prayer
wrestle with the powers of hell?

So if Satan, pressing hard,
soul and body would destroy:
Christ who conquered, be our guard;
give to us the victor's joy.

Saviour, may we hear your voice
keep us constant at your side;
and with you we shall rejoice
at the eternal Eastertide.

The Gospel:        Matthew 4:1–11

Homily:  (The Rev. Marion Edmondson Preaching)

Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed     p. 189 (please stand as able)

Prayers of the People    (Led by Nancy Booth)

Confession and Absolution p. 191

The Peace    p. 192

Offertory Hymn:  #615 Just as I am

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind;
Yes, all I need, in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt;
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot;
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Has broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

Prayer over the Gifts God of the wilderness, We give these offerings in gratitude, rejoicing in the abundance of your gifts to us. 
We give these offerings in faith,
trusting that you will provide for our needs.
We give these offerings in hope,
knowing you can use them to spread your love in this world.
And with these offerings, we give ourselves;
May we live with generous hearts, with open hands. Amen
~a prayer by Joanna Harader

The Celebration of the Eucharist 

The Great Thanksgiving 

The Lord’s Prayer (sung)        p. 211

The Breaking of the Bread (prayer # 2)     p. 212

Agnes Dei (sung) O Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us…        

The Communion (all are welcome to receive communion)

Communion Hymn:  #52 O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near 

O God, unseen yet ever near,
your presence may we feel;
and, thus inspired with holy fear,
before your table kneel.

Here may your faithful people know
the blessings of your love,
the streams that through the desert flow,
the manna from above.

We come, obedient to your word,
to feast on heav'nly food;
to eat the body of the Lord,
our drink his precious blood.

O living Bread, enduring Vine,
your words we shall obey;
and go, renewed with strength divine.
rejoicing on our way.

Prayer after Communion:  Faithful God, in this holy bread you increase our faith and hope and love. Lead us in the path of Christ who is your Word of life. We ask this in his name. Amen

Doxology (Old 100th): Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 
Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen

The Blessing

Closing Hymn: #444 Your Hand, O God has Guided  

Your hand, O God, has guided
your flock from age to age;
the wondrous tale is written
full clear on every page;
our forebears knew your goodness,
and we their deeds record,
and both of this bear witness,
'One church, one faith, one Lord.'

Your heralds brought glad tidings
to greatest, as to least;
they bade them rise and hasten
to share the royal feast,
and this was all their teaching,
in every deed and word,
to all alike proclaiming,
'One church, one faith, one Lord.'

When shadows, thickly falling,
engulfed the world in night,
you summoned forth your servants,
your messengers of light.
On them and on your people
your plenteous grace was poured,
and this was still their message:
one church, one faith, one Lord.

And we, shall we be faithless?
Shall hearts fail, hands hang down?
Shall we evade the struggle
and cast away the crown?
Not so; in God's deep counsels
some better gift is stored:
the covenant of promise --,
'One church, one faith, one Lord.'

Your mercy will not fail us,
nor leave your work undone;
with your right hand to help us,
your people shall be one;
and then by all creation
your name shall be adored,
and this shall be their anthem,
'One church, one faith, one Lord.'

The Dismissal    p. 215