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Liturgy for a Service of Healing April 27, 2022 - "Taste & See: Reflection on Psalm 34”
Rev.  Alastair Hunting
Rev. Alastair Hunting
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Order of Service with Hymns

He will wipe away every tear from their eye. -Rev 21:4

Processional Hymn: #179  Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery

Welcome & Acknowledgment of Land

Call to Worship
We gather here in this place, familiar to some of us, new perhaps to others, seeking to find healing, wholeness and meaning in our lives, looking for the “more than” that we sense all around us— in creation and in the mystery of one another. So, come, let us gather in community as we continue the journey. Come, and let us seek our God. Amen (Seasons of the Spirit)
(We prepare our hearts for worship in silence aware of God’s presence within and all around)

Collect:  Living God, look upon us with eyes of mercy. May Your healing hand rest upon us, may Your life-giving powers flow into every cell of our bodies and into the depths of our souls, cleansing, purifying, restoring us to wholeness and strength for service in Your Kingdom. Amen

The Proclamation of the Word 
1st Lesson:  Act 5: 17-26

PSALM 34:  1-8    R. I sought the Lord, and He answered me

Gospel Hymn: #474   Jesus, Where’er Thy People Meet

Gospel:  Jn 3: 16-21

Homily:  “Taste & See: Reflection on Psalm 34”

Affirmation of Faith: We believe in a God whose love is so vast that no words, no deeds, no threats; not even death can contain it. We believe in a God who bursts into life. Who brings hope where no hope abides. Life where the shadows rule. Who prizes open death’s locked fast fist and with an open hand offers us God’s very self. We believe in a God who brings light to the darkest places. Who brings sight to the blind, and darkness to those who claim to see; who illuminates our sin and greed and shows us what we might yet be. Who shows us the path that leads us from death to life, and from the midnight of despair, to the bright daybreak of joy. Amen

Prayers of the People

Confession and Absolution    I have no more words to say. I cannot run any faster. I am worn out propelling myself into yet more busyness. The noise around me can no longer drown out the silence. I have to stop, wait. Admit my culpability and my fault. To confess who I am. To be honest to the God that I believe to be all-knowing. Yet from who I try so hard to hide. I have no choice but to seek your forgiveness. To ask for your grace. 

Gracious Lord- be merciful. Do not abandon us. Even though we tread the same path time and again. Forgive us, restore us and transform  us. May we remember that your love accepts us as we are. That in you and with you there are no strangers. May we not exclude others from you and your love. Amen

Laying on of Hands and Anointing 
…, I anoint you in the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit…

Prayer over the Gifts: Gracious God, your word to us is food indeed. Receive all we offer you this day, and let your loving-kindness be our comfort, for the sake of Jesus Christ, your living word. Amen

The Celebration of the Eucharist  p.193 in the BAS

The Lord’s Prayer        p. 211

The Breaking of the Bread (prayer # 2)     p. 212

The Communion (all are welcome to receive communion)

Prayer after Communion:  God help us to change. To change ourselves and to change our world. To know the need for it. To deal with the pain of it. To feel the joy of it. To undertake the journey without understanding the destination. To recognize your hand guiding our journey. Amen 

Doxology (Old 100th): Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise him all creatures here below! Praise him above ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen

The Blessing

Closing Hymn:   #371 To God Be the Glory

The Dismissal    p. 215